Thursday, November 26, 2009

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

I want side bangs and a different cut

I have brown hair, highlites, medium length, and is stright. What do I do to get her to say yes. I am 13 years old. Also what are some good styles for teen girls (not emo please).

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

show her the photos first so she can see your not doing something silly

Mummy needs to understand your growing up.

my little girl is 10, shes gonna be a trouble like you soon

merry Christmas

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

side bangs are nice for teens. find out why your mom says no. if it's money, pay yourself.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

Tell her it'll grow back in a couple months. Hair is the easiest thing to fix, it fixes itself.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

Mom's the boss! I wouldn't fight it, especially with something to petty and not worth fighting for.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

You're a bit old for you mom to still be trying to control your hair cuts, tell her that you are growing up and want to make your own decisions, you're the one that has to live with the hair cut not her.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

Show her you can wait for her approval. If you start fighting about it she will only resist more.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

You should just go and get it done. Once it's done she might be mad but there's nothing she'll be able to do about it once it's been done.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

I ahd the same problem so I saved my money went to a hair salon and got my bangs cute w/out her knowing and when she seen me she was aliitle mad but she saw how nice it looked on me and so she got over it

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

well i aint good wit girls hair but i keep my short

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

its your frickin head!

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

use the flow-be

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

i have layers in my hair!!

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

I don't know what to tell you, your mom has power over what you do and do not do so you cant' really do anything. Unless you just go and get it done without her and come back and see if she likes it. She can't do anything anyways if you already have it cut. Some good hairstyles are these: short and spunky will look great on you!

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

You can just ask to go get your hair done..and get it cut..and tell your mom the beautician said your hair had a lot of split ends and needed to be cut. Why doesn't she want your hair cut? Maybe she's afraid you will look older with your hair cut. Show her people with their hair cut in the same fashion you want yours done that still look 13 and maybe she'll change her mind.

Once my mom wouldn't let me opt out of uniform in middle school..and I wrote her an essay on the pro's of not wearing school uniform..and even put in the con's of not wearing uniform..and said why they weren't cons.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

I had the same problem. I asked to get my hair cut and my parents said a flat out no. I gave it a while and saved up some money and asked again and said I could pay for it myself. Of cours I hate my hair now. My mom knew I would. Maybe your mom knows you will hate your new haircut. Just give it some time. It will work.

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

Your mumma said no young lady. At your age, God does your make-up, and most likely, healthy shiny hair. Leave it alone. Get a trim. The longer you wait to wear all the crap in your hair and on your face the healthier they will be in a few years when it will matter (belive it or not) way more than it matters now. Pray your rosary dear

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

Omg ruly moms are sooo annoying

Your mom is not going to let you get anything done just give up and wait until you are old enough

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

First, start saving up your allowance and baby sitting money.

Then find a picture of the way you want your hair cut.

Take the picture in to a good upscale hair salon and tell the person who cuts your hair, that you want it done just like that.

What's mom gonna do? She will think it's cute!

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?

well listen to her. Yeah thats what some people would say yup.

Ok seriously now, she has your best interests at heart so talk to her and explain to her your side. Then go to a barber or hair salon with her and one out together, find a compromise.

God's blessings in Christ

I really wan't a hair cut but Mom say's no?


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